Unprecedented. Unpredictable. Unparalleled.


Story by:

Bro. Delon Brennen,
M.D., M.P.H.,
International Medical and Health Initiatives Chairman

These are but a few of the phrases that characterize the thoughts of our Brotherhood during the once in a lifetime crisis that has befallen our globe and our Fraternity, known as COVID-19. None of us could have predicted that an unknown virus (a novel coronavirus) detected from a string of untreatable respiratory infections in Wuhan City, in the Hubei Province of central China, would bring global travel and trade to a virtual halt within three  months of its discovery.    As the world watched from afar, our Brothers in China experienced the fear, the tragedy, the hopelessness, and the seismic shift in the way life was lived as the epidemic unfolded in late 2019 and the first few months of 2020.

Although sporadic cases cropped up in other countries, it was our Brothers of Chi Mu Nu (the “China Ques”), Lambda Xi in South Korea (the “ROK Hard Ques”), Sigma Gamma Gamma in Okinawa, Japan (the “Far East Ques”),  and Upsilon Lambda Lambda in Tokyo, Japan (the “Samurai Ques”), who were first struck by the impact of COVID-19 and the changes in civil liberties that followed.

As the epidemic changed to a pandemic, the problem became no longer an “Asian thing." The entire world was both infected and affected. Brothers and communities in Europe, Africa, the Americas, and the Caribbean have not been spared. And while the initial research showed that it was older people and those with pre-existing medical conditions who were most affected with severe disease, this only brought about more issues as young people moved about as if they could not become victims.

Unfortunately, not only could they acquire the disease, but many who were asymptomatic (i.e., not showing any outward signs of illness) acted as human vectors, spreading the infection unknowingly to others. Even when advice was given to “socially distance," many ignored the warnings and continued to go about their daily lives, often carelessly becoming amplifiers of the issue.

Globally, the infection numbers and the death toll has risen. Omega has not been spared a personal blow, as Brothers and their families have been infected, and some lost their lives to the disease. The world searches for a cure that will make it all disappear. However, public health officials have intelligently surmised that a cure has always been at hand. Brothers, communities, and the world must be brave enough to employ it. The transmission of the virus requires people to pass it on to each other at a close distance within six-feet.  The solution, therefore, is to avoid close contact. It is that easy. But doing so is a drastic change in the way we live, work, socialize, and learn. Ignoring this precept has been shown to devastate families, communities, and economies. Adhering to it saves lives and livelihoods. 

Once social distancing is employed, coupled with proper handwashing, respiratory etiquette (coughing into sleeves), and staying at home when ill, societies can minimize the burden of this disease and return to a semblance of normalcy. Social distancing is no longer an aspiration but an obligation. As one Brother aptly put it, “Staying In is the new Being Owt.”

Omega is called at this moment to provide leadership in all spheres of the response to COVID-19. These are no ordinary times, thus calling for extraordinary men. That is the call of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

The Fraternity has responded by making unprecedented steps globally. All chapter activities, including chapter meetings, have been halted and moved to video conferencing.  District Meetings were also canceled. These directives have never been made in Omega’s history. 

The safety of the Brotherhood had to be protected regardless of how difficult a decision may have been. The Supreme Council has decided to hold the 82nd Grand Conclave in Tampa, Florida as online meeting sessions.  Omega has shown it is not afraid to make tough decisions if necessary. Extraordinary times call for extraordinary leadership.

To our communities, Omega men are called on to be at the frontline of the response as healthcare professionals, engineers, law enforcement officers, and policymakers, among other leaders.  We must ensure sick patients are cared for and that support equipment is designed and manufactured. It is also important that laws and policies are enacted for public safety.  If some people and societies need assistance, Omega must be there to provide uplift.